Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rants and random thoughts

A Redneck Rant

It is just me, or is every reality show turning to "rednecks" for their material. It doesn't matter what channel you are watching, there is some guy with a beard, bandana and a drawling accent to greet you.

Don't get me wrong, I think the antics of "rednecks" are hilarious. But too much is too much.

As I have written before, the problem with these shows are two-fold. First they are usually scripted to make the "star" look dumber than they normally are. And, it paints anything related to the south or country in a bad light.

Walking with my head sideways

I don't get earaches often, but this one is a doozie. What started as a minor irritation has turned into almost full closure of my ear canal — and the pain that goes along with that.

So Ibuprofen and I are once again close friends, along with some oily drops.

A new signature

It wouldn't be a blog of mine if I didn't offer a little business advice.

Do you have a custom signature for your emails? More than just you name and email address? If not, you may be missing a great opportunity to market yourself, provide additional contact information, or build an audience.

I just updated mine... take a look below and let me know what you think.

May the Blog Be With You.

Untitled Page

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