Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And the Winner is...

It is easy to look back on what you did the past year if you are in the newspaper business. Everything you did is packaged neatly (most of the time) in the editions that were published.

This week, I have been reviewing the newspapers from 2011 in order to choose entries in the Louisiana Press Association's Better Newspaper Contest. Wow, what a year it has been.

As I perused the pages, stories, photos and opinion columns, I saw just how much hard work the team here completed over the course of the year. My hat is definitely off to them.

In May, we will learn how well our work stacks up against other newspapers in the state. We might just bring home a "State Championship." That would be nice.

Until then, we will press on covering the news that is important to you. Let us know how we're doings, because your opinion is the only one that counts anyway.

May the Blog Be With You.

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