Monday, June 18, 2012

My Reading List

In an effort to always improve in business, I have committed to reading more nonfiction books. This is no small task, as I don't overly enjoy the habit (surprising for a guy in the newspaper business.) While I can dive in to a novel and see the plot play out in my mind, nonfiction books are more like attending a lecture — a very long lecture.

In order to accomplish this, I have employed three types of books: traditional books, e-books and audiobooks. All three have their positives and negatives.

Traditional books are the easiest to use, but my tendency to read in bed at night can cause some minor marital strife (and I don't like book lights)

E-books are really cool, unless you plan on reading them in bright sunlight on an ipad.

Audiobooks are nice if you are on the road, unless the narrator sounds like Ben Stein. "Buelll-er. Buell-er. Buell-er."

Here are some recent books I have read or are in the process of reading.

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
This is a great read for anyone who "grew up" with Apple. While the language is rough, it also sheds some light on the brilliance, and insanity of the company's colorful founder.

EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone in Business.

Good to Great by Jim Collins
The first real business book I ever read, and in many ways, still the best.

Strengths-Based Leadership by Tom Rath
The strengths test provided with this book is worth the price of the book itself. The insights are incredible. It helps leaders recognize where they are strong and how to lead based on that.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor
The very best book on marital relationships — bar none.

I have a few others in the hopper as well. I believe the education processis never fully complete. There is always more to learn, and more to apply to be a success.

If you have any book suggestions, please feel free to share. Together, we can make business in Northwest Louisiana stronger than ever.

Until Next Time...

May the Blog Be With You.

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