Thursday, May 24, 2012

'Idol' Thoughts

Like millions of people across the country, I watched the American Idol finale last night. Overall, I was quite disappointed — not with the outcome, but with the choices of songs/celebrities during the two-hour show.

Many of the duets were nothing more than "scream sessions." Maybe I am just showing my age, but I think there is more to great singing than just how loud you can get for extended whole notes.

Here are a few more "random" Idol finale thoughts and questions:

Whoever decided the "bodysuit" was a good fashion choice needs to be shot — twice.

Did Reba use the same plastic surgeon as Dolly? Some slight wrinkles are OK people.

One of the duets literally scared me. I won't tell you which one, but I bet you remember the scary face.

John Fogerty didn't seem all that enthused about singing with Phillip Phillips.

Neil Diamond didn't seem to know exactly where he was.

On a similar note, why do we make these kids sing songs from their grandparents' generation, just to trot out some aging singer?

Best overall performance of the night: Jennifer Lopez. Did you see those abs? Sorry Steven, you were a little slow and out of breath during your performance.

Best duet: Reba and Skylar. Could anyone really tell their voices apart?

Dumbest skit: Singing the phonebook.

Coolest skit: "Jessica Lopez." It's not like she's a major megastar or anything, Jimmy.

In all, the show could have been 30 minutes and we wouldn't have missed much of anything. Congratulations to Phillip Phillips. He is truly an original voice. I just hope he doesn't drop off the face of the earth like Taylor Hicks did.

Until next time...

May the Blog Be With You.

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