Monday, May 21, 2012

I read it... IN A BOOK

Two weeks ago, I started reading a book a friend of mine gave me. She offered a simple request, "Let me know what you think."

I love to read, but I have a difficult time finishing books. I get started and then get busy. This book was only 250 pages or so, therefore I felt I could accommodate her request.

Although it took me two weeks (here and there), I finished the book Saturday. I was stunned by its contents.

The Harbinger is a novel that ties ancient Biblical prophecy to some recent events. (Ok, roll your eyes — I did too). Before you relegate this literary work to the "nutjob" bandwagon, give it a chance.

Here is the link to it on Amazon... you can read several pages online...

Reading the book is much like following the movie "National Treasure." There is enough history to keep you interested, while making you consider the possibility of its validity.

While I have not researched it further (remember, I just finished it Saturday), there are footnotes to document most of the "facts" outlined in the story.

Regardless, the book was extremely interesting and reminds every Christian of our role to "humble ourselves, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways..."

May the blog be with you.

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