Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fully Staffed (sorta)

Things at the Bossier Press-Tribune are hopping today. For the first time in a long time, all of our departments are full of people. It is an exciting time.

The summer has brought a couple of interns to the newsroom. Managing Editor Sean Green is enjoying his role of "director." There will be actual newsroom meetings, assignments and a host of other things that come with running a newsroom.

The Press in Minden where the Bossier Press-Tribune is printed.
On the advertising side of the building, Randy Brown has a new team of executives ready to meet the business needs of the community. While some may be new to the advertising world, we are anticipating high levels of success for them and our customers.

All around my centrally located office are sounds of people working, and more importantly, working together.

In the wake of the news from the Times-Picayune in New Orleans (decision to only publish 3 days a week) it is important that folks know many newspapers are alive and well.

As someone who made the decision last year to reduce our publication frequency (from 5 days to 3 days) I know the implications in the community it can have.

In our case, it was in response to two things:

1. It allowed us to spend more time covering the kind of news that is important to our readers, and packaging it with care.

2. It brought costs into line with market forces.

Today, we are more than just a thriving community newspaper. We are a company whose goal is to have a positive impact on our community, and to tell its story. We know that may take many different forms — from traditional newspapers to digital and social media.

 It's a great day to be in Bossier. We are excited about what the future holds.

May the Blog Be With You.

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