Thursday, May 3, 2012

And the winner is...

Tomorrow I leave for Marksville for the Louisiana Press Association's Annual Convention. The capstone event is the Better Newspaper Competition Awards where Newspaper of the Year will be crowned.

This year, the Bossier Press-Tribune and Minden Press-Herald both had very strong entries. While we do not "do what we do" for awards, it is nice when we are recognized by our peers.

During the 90s and early 2000s, both newspapers had a string of Newspaper of the Year award in their respective divisions. For those of us who still long for the sport competition days of our high school years, it is the closest thing to a State Championship we can win (without applying too much Flexall).

Regardless of the outcome, I am extremely proud of the staffs at both newspapers. They work hard each and every day to bring the news and advertising that matters to their local communities and it shows in every edition.

They strive to be truthful, accurate and relevant. If it is important to you, it is important to them — and that is the way it should be.

So here is an early "Congratulations" to these two fine newspapers. Keep up the good work.

"May the 4th" be with you.

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