Monday, April 23, 2012

Rained out... sorta

I had the privilege of participating in the Bossier Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament last Friday. Although the weather did not cooperate, I thought the staff handled things extremely well.

We got in three holes before a close lightning strike put the brakes on the event, sending us all into the clubhouse for shelter.

Once inside, the decision was made to cancel the remainder of the tournament and hand out prizes based on a random drawing. Considering the combined handicaps of our team was somewhere in the triple digits, this greatly improved our chances of coming home with a prize.

Also, StoneBridge was more than accommodating, giving each golfer a voucher for a free round to make up for the lost day.

While Mother Nature stifled the original plans for the golf tournament. The way everyone handled the situation was top notch.

I look forward to next year.

May the Blog Be With You.

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