Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rick Perry is out... who's next?

From my inbox...

BREAKING NEWS...CNN is now reporting that Texas Governor, Rick Perry is expected to be dropping out of the GOP 2012 race.

So, how many does that make in the past two weeks? The past four months?

Personally, I have not decided on who I want to be the GOP nominee. That being said, by the time the nomination process reaches Louisiana, we may not have any choices (other than the front runner) left.

As a Republican, I want their to be a viable alternative to President Obama to consider. In many past presidential elections, the candidates from both major parties were so concerned with attracting moderates and independents, that we had a hard time seeing any real differences between them.

I hope there is a clear choice, and distinct differences between candidates come November. I personally am tired of holding my nose while I pull the lever.

May the Blog Be With You.

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