Friday, January 13, 2012

Facebook Status Updates of the Week

We all see them. One of our Facebook friends posts a clever status update and it causes us to chuckle, or even contemplate life, etc. Each Friday, I want to share some of my favorites of the week. So here goes. Of course most of them have to do with the BCS National Championship Game and/or LSU.

Hostess is near bankruptcy. Everybody go buy some Ho-Hos. WE CAN DO THIS!

Rooting for Alabama. I apologize for nothing.

MVP of the game goes to the conspiracy theorists. Wink, wink.

Finds it interesting how sports changes our vocabulary. Tebowing: "the public act of kneeling on one knee and placing your bowed head in the hand of the arm resting on knee." Now I find this: "the public act of bending at the waist and retching violently while clasping the throat with both hands (while wearing a hat)". It's called "Milesing"

JJ: Jordan Jefferson JJ: Jerry Jones. Coincidence? I think not!

Jordan Jefferson should've just stayed a kicker.

Braden doesn't normally look much like me, but when he's double-fisting snacks into his mouth while wearing just a diaper and socks the resemblance is uncanny.

Was Jarrett Lee allowed to watch team movie night before the game, or did he catch up with old Breaking Bad episodes on DVD?

It will be easy for me to remember Jaxon's birthday (my 3rd grandson that will be born tomorrow) because its the day after Les Miles made the worst decision of his coaching career by leaving Jordan Jefferson in so LSU could get shut out by Bama in the National Championship Game! Thanks Les for the birthday reminder!

Have a great weekend, folks.
May the Blog Be With You.

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