Friday, January 20, 2012

Facebook Status Updates of the Week

It's time once again for some of my favorite Facebook status updates from the past week. Maybe someday one of my friends will become famous for their Facebook status (Probably not.)


CNN's post debate show finally mentions Ron Paul 55 minutes into the broadcast, saying, "We haven't talked much about Ron Paul tonight." Cut to commercial.

If you had on a LSU shirt last Monday and a Saints shirt on Saturday, PLEASE wear an Obama shirt on November 6th.

Current Events

When I was your age we didn't HAVE no dang Waukeepeedia to go dark! We had to walk five miles in the SNOW to copy other people's work! And we had to actually COPY it, word for word!


Eating healthy, all fruit for breakfast. I had Blueberry Pop-tarts and Cherry Dr Pepper. I'm thinking 2 veg, dairy and 2 meat for lunch...Bacon Cheesburger, onion rings and fries.

Tebowing "The Magnificent Seven" so I can watch it later.

I really needed some "retail therapy" today, so I went to Wal-Mart and asked a cashier to interpret a dream I had last night.

Why does our garbage disposal only attack spoons? I have a drawer full of scoops with serrated edges! Eat a bowl of cereal at your own risk!

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not addicted to Facebook. I'm just not ready to deal with the severe withdrawals at this time.

Have a great weekend folks.
May the Blog Be With You.

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