Friday, January 6, 2012

Tragedy Strikes BAFB... Covering the story

The Friday morning rumormill erupted about a Barksdale Airman killed in Afghanistan. As we all scrambled for confirmation, a local TV station sent out an alert on their mobile APP.

Now that it was “out there” we knew everyone would be scrambling to get the story. After all, it isn't every day someone from Barksdale is killed in action. Thank God for that.

In this day and age, it is big news when tragedy strikes locally. Reporters are surely scrambling to find next of kin to interview, photos to post and any other information that is available.

While this is the inevitable result of covering breaking news — especially a tragedy — I caution those in my industry to remember that this is more than a story. It is a family who has lost a loved one. It is an airman who paid the ultimate price. It is the cost of war.

Please join me in prayer for the family of Bryan Bell. They need our prayers more than anything else right now.

Thank you to all who sacrifice for freedom. Today was yet another reminder how much it truly costs.

May the Blog Be With You

1 comment:

sbell said...

Thank you for your prayers... I am one of bryans cousins... he was more like my brother, I found this blog and read it to some family. Very well said we all agree. Thank you.