Friday, March 9, 2007

Don't forget like I did

We discussed it Monday in our staff meeting.

I had downloaded patches from Apple and Microsoft because of it.

When today's Bossier Press-Tribune rolled out the door there was one glaring omission from its front page. We made no mention of the change to daylight saving time this weekend.

Twice a year we at least place a block on the front page about the time change. In many years of newspapering, I don't think I've ever forgotten to do that - until this week.

To add insult to injury, this is an important change because of how early we are making the switch. It deserved a news story. It at least deserved a mention.

I apologize to our readers for not informing them of this change. While I know they may hear it 100 times before Saturday night arrives. I feel we have somehow let them down.

If you are late to church Sunday, feel free to blame me. However, I will be there on time waiting for you to arrive.

May the Blog be with you.

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