Monday, February 6, 2012

Facebook Status Updates - Super Bowl Edition

I usually reserve Facebook Status update for the Friday blog entry, but I knew the Super Bowl would bring some great ones, so here it is. I am also including some tweets, as there were many good ones there too... Enjoy.

Fooseball is done for another year. Nothing til next fall. Can you survive

Did Brady fall down go boom

Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge ad was perhaps the greatest television moment of all time! Ok, I know that's 
overstated, but man I love Clint.

Wow pretty powerful there Clint!

Wow....Clint! Mike just shouted, "Clint for President!!"

I'm watching the halftime show so I can sue if there's a wardrobe malfunction.

300 the halftime show?

Slingshot baby was the best!!!

Niiiccceee.....David Beckham ....body wear!!!!

Vegas odds of first score being a safety? 50/1

Betty White - She's sexy and she knows it!

It's not a Super Bowl party until someone passes out with no pants on. (Next to photo of sleeping baby)

Saints fans: today we unite in disgust over the bandwagon Patriot fans who have no clue who Pat Patriot is, don't know the meaning of Flying Elvis and have never heard of Steve Grogan, John Hannah or Sam "Bam" Cunningham.

I think these guys are getting hurt so they will have more commercial timeouts

Did you see the guy on stage dressed in the black robe? It was the Grim reaper, to take the last of Madonna's career

Madonna almost Tebowed.

The dog is funnier than the Vader.

I just saw a naked M&M #pokemyeyeout

Brady just did the Safety Dance #menwithouthats

Until Next Year...

May the Blog Be With You.

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