Friday, January 27, 2012

Facebook Status Updates of the Week

With the State of the Union, GOP debates, American Idol and Conference Championships, there was a virtual cornucopia of Facebook statuses this week. Here are some of the highlights:

I haven't watched a State of the Union address since ghw bush, and that was because I was 8 and we had 3 channels and he was on all of them.

For those that missed the State of The Union last night, let me sum it up for you: President Obama had an epiphany while writing his speech and all our problems are now solved, we saw the one woman who's gotten a job in the last two years, Hillary Clinton looks like warmed over death and evidently she whipped John Kerry's butt for picking on her about it. Oh yeah, and anything we want, if we'll put the bill on the President's desk "he'll sign it tomorrow."

Arbor Day, it's as easy as one, two, TREE

When life gives you more than you can stand... kneel.

Taco Bell has recently begun offering breakfast items at many of the chains restaurants allowing "on the go" consumers to now get their diarrhea out of the way before the afternoon.

I like to shout "Baby!" in a crowded room. The guys who duck think a flying baby is normal.

You really mean to tell me there is someone out there going, "I have the financial ability to pay for your very expensive transplant, but I'm not doing it unless 1,000 people share your photo on Facebook"?

Just so you know. I've been around the world and met thousands and thousands of people. And truth be told, I just really really like strange and unique people. That's why you're on my friends list.

Robert Redford says the Sundance Film Festival is for the 99%. Right. Because all of us who have debt, little savings, and jobs can trek on up to a resort town in Colorado for a week.

The very first thing the new president should do in November is FIRE all these "czars" and BAN the use of that word forever with regard to the US government. (Good journalists should avoid calling them that, too.)

Have a Great Weekend, folks.

May the Blog Be With You.

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