Friday, February 17, 2012

Facebook Status Updates of the Week

It's Friday, and that can mean only one thing... It's Facebook status updates (and tweets) of the week:

The guys at Sherwin Williams will put just about anything in the ol' paint shaker if you ask them. I bet.

My husband is already having one I those days where you'd be better off going back to bed and starting over. I really don't feel like taking any chances of having one of those days myself, so I'm thinking maybe I should just stay in the bed!

I'm a RockStar sipping on my latte for 5 hours of energy, so I don't turn into a Monster, and that ain't no Red Bull!

Would you be my flippin Valentine already? gosh!

I have a message for President Obama. He was exactly right about us. In Louisiana and across America, we love us some guns and religion.

This airport is in bad's "terminal"!

Pretty sure I just gave myself the most awesome FB Timeline cover photo in town.

And from the Twitter feed...

Make one MORE call today. Even when you think you've finished, make ONE more…and make it count.

Unrealistic expectations are open the culprits responsible for the misery women feel - not their husbands

Sometimes, taking the high road is a lonely and frustrating route. But we must take it nonetheless.

Four words that make the day for any frequent flyer: "Your upgrade is confirmed."

Have a great weekend, folks.

May the Blog Be With You.

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