Thursday, January 21, 2010

Low Riding in Bossier Parish

Luxury cars are a wonderful thing -- most of the time. I have been blessed to own a 2004 Lincoln Town Car for the past year. While I don't exactly look cool in it, it has been a pleasure to drive. Being 40, it is hard to look cool in anything.

About two weeks ago, something strange happened. The power seat went out on the driver's side... More specifically, the power recline. This would not be a "major" problem, except for one "minor" detail: The seat has begun a steady recline.

What was a minor annoyance a week ago is now a 45-degree recline. Not only do I look like I am "low riding" in my town car, I also look like I am about 4-feet tall.

A noticeable side effect of the low riding experience is an increase in back pain. Something will have to be done soon.

So now I face a dilemma. While luxury cars are nice, repair bills on them are not. Which leaves me with the $1,000 question:

"Do I fix the seat?" or "Do I add chrome rims, metallic blue paint and the Shamwow Logo and leave the seat as is?"

I think I hear ZZ Top playing in the background, and I am thinking of changing my name to George Lopez.

I guess it is time to call the dealership. This shouldn't hurt much (I hope).

May the Blog Be With You.

1 comment:

B said...

I would be temped to fall asleep with it leaned back like that.

You could always put rims on it and paint it a bright color. Don't forget to put decals of your favorite candy on there.