Thursday, February 1, 2007

Conspiracy in the Drive Thru

By now, everyone knows that fast food restaurants are beginning to change from oils that contain trans fats to those that don't. Somehow, we all feel it w0uld be healthier to eat our deep fried morsels if the oil was merely changed.

So, reluctantly, fast food restaurants have taken the initial step to healthier deep fried eating. Or have they?

For the second day in a row, my ritualistic trip to a drive thru has resulted in one glaring error. Each day, I have ordered a Diet Coke with my meal. Each day they have given me regular Coke.

Could it be a careless error? Perhaps it is just a communication problem through the "squawk box." I think not.

This is a blatant attempt to keep us fat and coming back. Fast Food restaurants know that healthier eating will lead to healthier food choices. Healthier food choices lead to trip to Subway -- and we can have a world of Jared's running around can we?

One little slip at the soda dispenser and trans-fat oil is replaced with full blown sugary sweetness.

Maybe we won't notice. Maybe we won't care.

It is a conspiracy going all the way up to the highest levels of the fast food chain. Congress should being holding hearings. CEOs of every chain should account for the use of sweetness-enhancing substances.

And, in memory of the passing of liberal columnist Molly Ivins, I blame George W. Bush.

May the blog be with you.

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