Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This blog was written on a typewriter

The Internet has been all but down for the past three days at my office. We would have times where things would work intermittently, followed by extended times of complete disconnect.

People from all over the office were audibly sharing their frustration, and it seemed that work was coming to a halt. Who knew we were so reliant on the Internet?

As the wheels appeared to be coming off in every department, I began to think back to 1995, a time where only a select few had a dial-up account at the office. How did we do our jobs back then? Once I pushed the button on the “way back” machine, I reminded my team about things such as telephones — they still work for communcation. I was thankful we didn't have VOIP.

And, we have cars. We can actually drive and visit someone face-to-face.

We also have smartphones. Things like e-mail are not completely lost.

Technology is a wonderful thing, but let us not become so reliant on it that we forget how to live without it.

“Old School” is not necessarily a bad thing.

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