Friday, February 10, 2012

Facebook Status Updates/Tweets of the week

Since the Super Bowl, it has been pretty slim pickins for status updates. Seems people were more into sharing clever photos and writing anything of their own... But here are some of the highlights...

Chicken soup and antibiotics for lunch.... Just living the dream!

If you don't shop local, we won't have local shops

One flat squirrel toy. Once the squeak was gone, so was the love. I think this could be the beginnings of a new country song.

So PETA is protesting in downtown Shreveport at the courthouse by having people roll around (half ?) naked making out on a bed below a sign that says "Vegans make better lovers." Jokes in 3...2...1...GO!

Georgia has more rebounds than Arkansas has points...

And from the Twitter Feed...

Dreary day and will be a cold Mardi Gras weekend, so hug everybody you see to warm up!

Slowing down long enough to make the right decision the first time isn't really slowing down.

Men are silly! They'll use a chainsaw when a nail file will do;)

Don’t hire a bonehead who messes up everything because you are in too big of a hurry to get help. Wait for the right person.

Good advice. Have a great weekend folks.

May the Blog Be With You.

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