Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Too early to predict?

A group of media types were discussing the governor's race over lunch recently. While the obvious subject of John Breaux residency issue came up, there were no "clear cut" winners.

Here are a few of the things that were said. Of course there is no factual basis to any of this, merely speculation.

John Breaux will not run... Regardless of his residency issue, wouldn't Breaux have already declared if he was running?

Does John Breaux really want to take a pay cut?

Bobby Jindal will be in the runoff.

Walter Boasso will get enough Republican votes to force Jindal into a runoff with a Democrat.

Foster Campbell has a chance to make the runoff depending on how many Democrats enter the race.

A hurricane this Summer could really affect the elections and who people choose.

Where's Randy Ewing when you need him?

Edwin Edwards would probably make the runoff from jail.

With so many differing opinions, perhaps it is indeed too early to predict.

May the Blog Be With You.

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