Thursday, October 4, 2012

More Than Just Getting from Here to There

How do you get to work? The question seems simple enough, but many of us fail to realize the impact transportation has on our “bottom line.”

In the newspaper business, transportation is everything. Regardless of how many ads are sold, stories are written or pages are printed, if the newspaper doesn't get into the hands of the readers, it is all for nothing.

Likewise, transportation may be making or breaking your business. While you may or may not have a product that requires delivery, you do have employees that need to get to work on time. The reliability of their transportation does have an impact on your business.

Take for example your sales department. Do you know what type of vehicles your salespeople are driving? Do you know the cleanliness of the vehicle(s) or state of repair? You may think this is none of your business, but if their transportation keeps them from making a sale, then it will truly be “none” of your business.

If your receptionist or office manager is chronically late due to transportation issues, not only is there a loss of work time to be considered — there is also a perception problem for your customers. If the “smiling face” you hired isn't there to greet a customer as the business opens, what impression are you giving them?

Every business should evaluate its transportation issues. We all have them, and we all have room for improvement.

Until Next Time...

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