Thursday, August 2, 2012

Unexpected blessings

Have you ever thought things were headed down the drain? No matter what you did, it just didn't work.

What did you do? Did you give up? Did you pray? Did you suck it up and push forward?

Things over the past couple of weeks felt just like that. Circumstances both in and out of my control seemed to bring everything down. I tried to do my part to improve things, but it seemed we were destined for a stumbling block.

Until today...

The reports showed that things weren't as bad as I perceived. In fact, at the end of the day, everything is just fine.

My first reaction? Disbelief. The second? "Praise the Lord!"

As a Christian, I know that God is in control of every situation. Living that out isn't as easy. I want to plan it, fix it and make it work myself.

But today, God once again reminded me that His ways are higher than mine.

Until Next Time....

Jeremiah 29:11

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